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Wearables and sustainability fashion

Actualizado: 23 oct 2019



June 10, 2019


Did you know this way of dressing?

I imagine that some of the latest technology you have, so imagine if you wear it on your garment! WOW, because if

fashion and technology go hand in hand, some designers are making themselves felt in their creations.

A new way of technology in dressing or wearables, is made hollow in cabinets of people more chic than geek.

Gone is a conventional way of dressing, we give way to garment designs with more innovative features to make life easier.

The brand of Mexican origin created by Linda Franco and Antonio Perdigón. His degree of attention without even knowing the gadgets that hide between their seams give a futuristic and attractive result.

It is a waterproof garment that communicates with digital music and computers, allowing you to control them and make music through movements and various buttons.



Macro trends

The question is: within all this innovation ... what role does sustainability play? "Although there is still a lot to be done,

the companies in the sector are constantly working on the research of alternative products and processes that are more sustainable with the environment," says Vicente Blanes, director of the Textile Technology Institute (AITEX), dedicated to research and application in the textile industry.

They work with a firm the size of Mango, so Blanes knows what he is talking about and is aware of the impact that the manufacture of, for example, a mere shirt, has on the

environment. "The textile industry has an infinite number of processes up to the point of making the final garment”.

We can be found from companies producing fibers, spinning mills, weaving, dyeing and printing companies and companies that make the final product. At all stages of

manufacturing, a series of specific environmental pollutants are generated that require special treatments such as water and energy consumption reduction processes, the substitution of less harmful chemicals or the use of fibers with less environmental impact ", explains Blanes.



Constancy to reach the objective

In a sector that is particularly aggressive with its surroundings, if processes are not controlled, which not only come from producers and manufacturers, technological innovation plays its part in favor of sustainability.

Did you know that the country with the highest activity of textile factors, committed for the first time? Although it sounds strange, it was a milestone that he will invest in his factories to incorporate cleaner technologies, as well as in more rigorous management measures. In the past Planet Textiles De Shanghai was where the Chinese government got engaged. Although it is early to see the results, it is a step in this environmental direction.

"Sustainability, increasingly, is a priority on the agendas of fashion firms," confirms Lorenzo Bautista, from the textile R & D department of the Leitat technology center, which works with several companies in the sector to “transform technological challenges in economic and social value” ». One of his most recent projects focuses on the first phases of the manufacturing process of a garment: specifically, the total recovery of wool by-products.

"It's about recycling the waste generated by the treated raw material and then giving it other uses and having no impact on the environment," explains Bautista. Among the different components, they manage to recover, through an innovative washing system, the lanolin, for example, "which has a high market added value as a raw material in the cosmetics sector; We also recycle wool powder, which is a good fertilizer “,the researcher reports.

Information about the article by Luis Mayer.



The smart clothing revolution

The price of smart clothes will fall

"when the big brands start using

technology to give their garments

utility, probably two years from now".

But for Virginia García, director of the

Functional Tissue Unit of Eurecat, it is difficult for these garments to reach mass consumption: "Technology must evolve a lot so that the large scale textile sector is capable of assuming it, the costs are equivalent and the person gives equal to buy it with or without technology ". García argues that the garments that can succeed are those that do not need a battery and do not change the appearance of the garment. The sector and materials have evolved a lot in recent years: "The sensors were much bigger 10 years ago. Now you just notice that you have technology. That's the great leap of textile wearables: to wear them and not be aware that you're wearing them. "

The main barrier to intelligent clothing triumphs is the price.



Saúl Baeza, co-founder of the fashion

firm The Hunch Project, specialized in

industrial design, has created collections modifying conventional fibers such as wool for the manufacture of smart garments. For

its part, the Dutch designer Marina Toeters, directs the Solar Fiber project, with the development of garments capable of capturing and reproducing solar energy. "The difference in the production of smart

fashion is that we place the consumer at the center of the production process since we intend

to satisfy their needs," Toeters adds. And who are the possible consumers? They are among the Millennials and Generation Z, they are the ones who live and know the most about technologies, they interject ideas, opinions through online and offline, fashion use it to

differentiate themselves, be different and unique, although there is a difference of status between them for now.

Other textile alternatives as well explained in the article

Its most interesting, and modest, advances are those that seek solutions to the problems in the production chain of the textile industry. From fabrics made from algae and clothing that detects the level of pollution to the communication between creators and consumers through audio-visual experiences, NJAL (Not Just A Label) investigates the revolutionary achievements that improve the integrity of fashion.

"At some point in the not too distant future, biotechnology is going to offer the world of design

the largest collection of materials and tools with which I have ever experienced," says Amy Congdon.

There is no ingredient that can resist the veteran textile designer and Senior Design Researcher of Biocouture. His biological atelier explores the application of living cells in the production of new materials for a hypothetical future in 2080. Imagine ivory jewelry made

in a sustainable way in a laboratory, for example. "There are companies that aim to eliminate the animal completely from the process," adds Congdon, referring to Modern Meadow, the first real leather in the world designed without animals. What may seem like science fiction is actually very possible. Certain bio-fabrics are already about to be available in the market. The German brand QMilk offers material produced with milk that not only uses 100% renewable sources and 0% of chemical additives, but also uses only 2 liters of water for each kilo of fiber it produces (the global average per kilo of cotton is currently 10,000 liters). Meanwhile, Campers and Puma have produced prototypes of shoes and accessories using pineapple leather, and Mayal Saliba, from NJAL, exhibited this year the first garments made with him on

Piñatex fibers are derived from the pineapple harvest. No land, water, fertilizers or extra pesticides are required for their production and provide additional income for farmers.

Another designer from NJAL, forever the most revolutionary platform, Rosalie McMillan, is reimagining jewelry with her minimalist designs and materials derived from coffee plantations.

But how can the environmental and social impact of a brand be measured?

Thanks to data storage programs, companies have the ability to track their impact, monitor their progress and inform the consumer. MADE-BY Mode Tracker, already used by Ted Baker or G-Star Raw, collects data that concerns eight areas of a product's life cycle, verifies them and produces a clear summary of the company's progress.

On the other hand, the Fashion Footprint application allows the consumer to connect directly with the manufacturers of their garments through an interactive, audio-visual experience on their phone from the point of sale or online.

In addition, by scanning the labels of the garments of the participating brands, they can obtain information on everything from the safety of factories to the health of workers.



We are closer to a change

The data confirms that most consumers include sustainability considerations in their decision-making framework

For 7% of consumers, sustainability is the most important decision-making criterion.

However, consumer considerations about sustainable practices are not yet powerful enough to be the most important driver of purchasing behavior.

Quality and aesthetics continue to dominate decision making.

That only 35% of consumers in the resistant segment reject sustainability seems to be an insurmountable obstacle, the industry can not afford to consider the same.




Consumers expect brands to worry about those problems and act accordingly.

The most relevant issues for consumers are:

Climate change efforts (50%) Natural disasters (49%).

Attributes of differentiation that consumers value.

Use of materials from responsible sources and recyclables.

Biodegradable packaging

OPEN (16%)

• They have a high interest and knowledge about the production conditions of the brands

• Their knowledge goes beyond the superficial, and they ask difficult questions to the marks as, for example, how a brand guarantees that the labeling requirements are met. For these

consumers, responsible practices are a key purchasing criterion, on a par with style and quality.

• The demographics of the members of this group range from high-income Gen Xers with graduate or professional degrees and retired Baby Boomers with average incomes for

Millennials who work full-time with average incomes.

• Geographically, the open segment is higher in Brazil (20%) and in the United States (18%).

Enthusiasts (3%) :Sustainability is a key purchasing factor.

Involved (10%) :Sustainability plays a role important in purchasing decisions.

Believers (3%) :They take into account sustainability in purchase decisions.


* These consumers express a slight interest in sustainability in fashion and other product categories.

• Their knowledge on the subject is superficial, and they see sustainability as a pleasant factor to have.

• They also expect brands to take action and communicate about it.

• These consumers follow the recommendations of brands or people they trust. For this mid-point, a common standard (which does not yet exist) would ensure that the recommendations that follow are supported by the action.

• Regarding purchasing practices, consider the attitude of a company on responsible practices, but the key factors of purchase are the aesthetics and the price

• Typical members of this segment have average incomes, are often women and can be self-employed, housewives or non-employees.

• They have a proportionally strong representation in China (54%).

Supporters (7%)

* Supports sustainability in fashion and other categories, but does not consider it in the purchase.

Low involvement (42%) Pay attention to the issue without supporting it in a concrete way.


• They are consumers who are not interested in the topic of sustainability in fashion or in other categories, such as food and furniture.

• They may feel dissuaded from buying products marketed as more responsible, because they expect them to be more expensive.

• The price is your first criterion of purchase and sustainability is not one of them.

• The typical member of this segment is a Baby Boomer, has low to medium income, usually has a high school education, and is retired, housewife, or unemployed.

• They have a proportionally strong representation in the United Kingdom (42%).

Information without any interpretation of the segments, as expressed in Index Press 2019.



The technologies make textile production more efficient, fast and with quality, they make personalized products and create new business models.

It may be closer than far, since nature is asking us to stop already the high pollution created first by the oil factories, second by the textile industries and consequently the rest.

Generation Z is linked to the slogan Do it Yourself are the drivers of change, since they were born in an environment where they live empowered by those around them and feel they have something to say for all the information captured in all types of telecommunications, internet , social networks ... 63% are aware and 73% do not think about consuming even knowing. Until you find brands that give the focus to what they are looking for.

Currently, 26% of the Spanish population create fads on the Internet without wanting to. 57% prefer local production and 83% prefer durable and quality garments (not throwaway).

What do you think of the topic? What segments do you belong to and what is your philosophy of consumption? I'll be happy to read it, write me !! Thank you for your time and have a good

week! ;))

The study on the Z generation has been made by Andrea and Rafa of the Mazinn team this




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